If you have ever used myspace, you can relate to all of the following.
Put up a picture of yourself, if the only picture you have is one of you and friends, specify in the caption who you are.
Words with the letter "i" in them, only have one "i", and the following letters are in lowercase. e.g., is does not = iiS. going does not = GoiiNG. You just look like you have a typing stutter and were not properly educated in spelling.
Holding the camera at extreme angles, more specifically in such a way that girls hold the camera so they "accidentally" shoot directly down their shirt, or where you can see down the ass of their pants. It's 2007, i know you took the pic with a camera phone or digital camera, delete the shit and retake it if you're showing cleavage to the whole world. It's not cute, it makes you look like a slut and give little 14 year old boys stiffies. nobody else.
GUYS, EVERYONE IN THE WORLD DOESN'T CARE IF YOU HAVE A SIX PACK. If you feel the need to show off your abs to a girl, wait and privately send her a message. Otherwise you just look like a fag.
Talking about "smokin 'dro", "blazin bud", or any other slang term for smoking weed, as well as having weed leafs plastered all over your myspace page....you may as well change your display name to "white trash f*ck." The world doesn't need to know that you smoke weed.
using layout editors to reverse tables. it doesn't work right. get over it. besides that even if it did work, it's stupid. for those of us that don't use entry level computer software, when we look at your page it just looks all fubar and makes me want to punch babies, because right after you switch your tables around you go post a bulletin "HeY EvEryONE ii Just PUT uP some New PiiC's!! LeAVe CommEntS!" and once I've gotten past the horrible grammar, and not slaughtered any bunnies, i try to be civil and leave you a comment AND I CANT BECAUSE HALF YOUR STUPID FUCKING PAGE IS OFF MY SCREEN AND MYSPACE DOESN'T SCROLL SIDEWAYS WHEN YOU FLIP YOUR TABLES, QUIT DOING IIIIIIIITTTT!!! That brings me to my next pet peeve....
Random capitols and lowercases. "Hii GuYS I lOOk LiiKEE I jUst SMaSheD All ovER tHe KeyBoARD t0 TyPE tHiiS anD goT lUCky!" First of all, wouldn't it be easier to type like you had a lick of sense? yes it would. Second of all....there is no second of all it's just fucking stupid.
Display Names. They have a limited number of spaces so people don't put long stupid shit in there, so putting your name and a bunch of crap with no spaces....fuckin retarded. stop. Putting brackets in your name for any reason with something in it, thats called a trend, and that also, looks god damn retarded. so Billy [isgoingtofloridaforthenexteightdays] IS FUCKING STUPID!! STUPID!! Not cute, not funny, simply trendy and stupid. Remember when people went around wearing jerseys and crap with one arm in them, and people were wearing visors upside down and backwards, and then all of a sudden everyone realized "holy crap we look really gay"? same thing. I'm saving you embarrassment.
Adding verbs after or before your name...also very poppy/trendy. e.g., glamorous, ballin' (especially bad), hott, sexy, famous etc. Also, phrases such as "im so fly" or "don't hate", equally stupid.
Myspace Gangs...what the shit is this??? making cool little myspace clicks and putting your gang name after your myspace name...holy shit you're fucking gay lets all just put "rainbow crew" after our names we'll be as cool as you are.
Myspace two, tom is closing myspace, myspace is going to cost money, repost or a zombie will eat your face, repost in 112.834634 seconds and you'll find the love of your life at 13 o'clock on the 8th day of the week, bulletins, STOP ARE YOU THAT STUPID!? REALLY?? HOW MANY IS IT GONNA TAKE FOR YOU TO REALIZE THIS IS ABOUT AS USEFUL AS SMASHING YOUR OWN FINGERS IN A CAR DOOR.
Pay attention to your account!! make sure if it gets hacked because you were stupid and typed your password into a spoof page, YOU FIX IT! It's really annoying to see you post 45 "get free ring tones" or "look at this porn!" bulletins a day, knowing it's not really you, i feel bad when i have to put you on the chopping block of my friends.
If you want someone to be your friend, have the damn courtesy to send them a message get to know them, it's a damn FRIENDS list not "random people on the internet" list. If you add someone and they message you, MESSAGE THEM BACK, or don't get pissed when your friends count goes down by 1.
Top friends...if you're not in someones top friends, it is not the end of the world, just because you have them in yours does not entitle you to be in theirs. If anyone puts you on their top friends you should feel privileged.